Important new Kevin MacDonald article.
Key points in the conclusion (emphasis added):
So in summary, there appear to
be three basic mechanisms tending to make White displacement psychologically
palatable to Whites:
self-interest resulting in competition among Whites to
engage in ever more ridiculous displays of self-abasement and love of diversity
and multiculturalism; such displays benefit individuals because of the very
elaborate infrastructure that rewards such displays;
social learning facilitated by the prestige associated with
dominating the intellectual high ground of the society, thus giving Whites the
comfort of having the same attitudes as elite institutions like the New York Times and informing others that one is
intelligent and well-read;
feelings of moral rectitude resulting from subscribing to
the moral dictates of the society as defined by media and academic elites.
Since these elites unanimously regard the traditional people and culture of the
West as uniquely immoral, dissenting from these views results in shame and
guilt, whereas going with the flow results in very positive
feelings that one is a member in good standing of the mainstream society.
All of these processes discussed
here depend on elite control. Without elite control, there is no infrastructure
that makes displays of guilt and abasement profitable. Social learning
only becomes a weapon against Whites after the forces opposed to Whites control
the elite media and the academic world; the same can be said for the creation
of moral ingroups.